– We’re Pink Teddy

Give us a hug.

We are a digital development agency that drives big-fuzzy growth for brands through exceptional social media advertising.

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We don't settle for anything but exceptional results.

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AR and Social Media Advertising

Better, not more.

Don’t increase your spend. We put all of that to double up into relevant augmented reality offers not based on demographics but in PSYCHOGRAPHICS, directly in the hands of your dream customer.

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High conversion means true fans.

Automate your cold-traffic strategy with our high-conversion landing pages. How? We define the people that believe in your values and create empathy and trust.

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If it feels risky, it’s brilliant.

Brands need to be loud and proud of what others are afraid to stand for. Nike®, Detroit is The New Black®, and Starbucks® do it, your content can turn into a powerful message, too.


Not Your Average Agency

In a world obsessed with likes and comments, we keep our focus on what matters the most – revenue.


– How we work

Our Process

We've systemized business growth in 3 simple steps.


1. Strategy Build-Out

Successful marketing is about creating conversations that matter for people who care. During the onboarding process, we sit down with you and conduct a detailed product-customer analysis to define the people that believe in your values… Your true fans.

We will then assess the full end-to-end customer journey to ensure accountability for every penny spent. Once all necessary research is conducted, we’ll produce a detailed strategy proposal for approval.


2. Implementation

Once your ideal customer is defined and a full strategy is built-out, we’ll create/gather all required content assets and produce the first batch of digital ads.

On approval, we implement the ads and keep a very close eye on all available data, we call this the ‘incubation period’ (early-stage testing is crucial to understand what works and what doesn’t).


3. Scaling

After the incubation period, we’ll have access to profitable combinations of targeting & creatives. This data will give us key insights to optimize best-performing ads and reallocate the budget accordingly. This is when we begin scaling your ad spend until we reach peak ROI.


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